We provide a diverse range of software development services. These services are primarily focussed on business solutions for web (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Java or .NET), desktop (.NET) and mobile (iOS or Andriod).
Websites that look great and provide rich functionality.
Desktop applications for bespoke business requirements.
Mobile and tablet applications (B2B and B2C).
IT consulting based a wide range of technical expertise.
There are three simple stages to establishing an online presence...
This is the look and structure of your site. We craft a unique design to compliment your business and then convert it into HTML, CSS and JavaScript templates.
This is the information (text, images, video) available on your site and is all managed online through a content management system.
We first register a domain name (that people enter or click on to get to your site) and then organise a computer / server for the site to be available from (at a hosting company like Amazon Web Services).